What are the causes
of eating disorders is the question that most of the people think after getting
an idea about this health problem. It is not only the doctors, therapists, and
health care professionals have the knowledge on eating disorders. There are
other people who are also curious about it, such as the parents of a teenager
who is suffering from an eating disorder or a concerned friend to his/her other
friend who is at risk of it. Those people want to know more about eating
disorders so that they can help them, deeply understand them, and to
effectively cure this kind of illness. The first questions these people have in
their minds are, “what are the causes of eating disorders?”, “what are the
reasons behind this particular problem?”, and “why does he/she has eating
disorders?” The true reasons, root causes, and factors that contribute to
eating disorders are the first thing people want to know before they proceed to
the treatment of this serious health problem.
Eating disorders
are complex conditions that arise from a combination of long-standing
behavioral, biological, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, and social
factors. Scientists and researchers are still trying to learn more about the
underlying causes of these emotionally and physically damaging conditions.
However, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) knows some of the
general issues that can contribute to the development of eating disorders. In
their article Factors that May Contribute to Eating Disorders from their
site nationaleatingdisorders.org, they said “While
eating disorders may first appear to be solely about food and weight
preoccupations, those suffering from them often try to use food and the control
of food to cope with feelings and emotions that may otherwise seem
overwhelming. For some, dieting, bingeing, and purging may begin as a way to
cope with painful emotions and to feel in control of one’s life.”
NEDA said that
eating disorders are not just about food and weights, but those who suffer from
these disorders often try to use food and control of food as a solution to
their emotional problems. The factors that can contribute to eating disorders
are categorized in psychological, interpersonal, social, and biological. The psychological
factors are: low self-esteem, feeling of inadequacy or lack of control in life,
depression, anxiety, anger, stress, or loneliness. Interpersonal factors have
something to do with troubled personal relationship, difficulty in expressing
emotions and feelings, have history of being teased or ridiculed based on size
or weight, or history of physical or sexual abuse. The social factors included
the cultural pressures that glorify “thinness” or muscularity and place value
on obtaining “perfect body”, and the cultural norms that value people on the
basis of physical appearance and not inner qualities and strengths. And lastly,
scientists are still researching possible biochemical or biological causes of
eating disorders.
Truly, eating
disorders are conditions that have many factors and can arise from a variety of
potential causes. If a person has low self-esteem, depressions, anxiety,
stress, difficulty in expressing emotions and feelings, has history of being
teased by size or weight, and is born in a culture or place where they value
people on the basis of physical appearance, it won’t be unexpected if he/she
has developed an eating disorder. These factors have a big effect on a person’s
physical, psychological, and emotional health and it can be really damaging to
In an article What causes Eating disorders? by the Anorexia nervosa and related eating
disorder (ANRED) from their site anred.org, they also have a list of factors
for eating disorders. In the biological factors, they wrote, “New research suggests that there is a
biological link between stress and the drive to eat. Comfort foods- high in
sugar, fat, and calories—seem to calm the body’s response to chronic stress.” When
a person is stressed, a hormone is produced which encourage the formation of
fat cells. If a person lives in a stressful country, he might be always eating
comfort foods to suppress himself from stress, and if he eats a lot of foods
high in sugar, fats, and calories, he can develop eating disorder like
binge-eating disorder.
reported in the New England Journal of Medicine indicate that for some, but not
all, people heredity is an important factor in the development of obesity and
binge-eating.” ANRED said.
From all the
factors that can contribute to eating disorders, biological factors and family
factors are two of the most important factors which have a big effect on
people. Since children live with their families in many years, there are
chances that they might adopt what they see from their parents. If his parents are
both overweight and obese and eat a lot, he will also be eating like his father
and mother. But there is a case where parents nag about junk foods and limit
their children’s access to treats; those who are being restricted by their
parents to eat prohibited foods have a stronger desire for it, they are more
likely to eat when they are not hungry and these behaviors may put them to have
eating disorders in the future.
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